Jean-Luc's Thoughts...

Monday, April 03, 2006

Music + Silence

What is music? To me, it is an extension of a feeling, message, or atmosphere. It is an outlet by which we express what's in our minds or hearts in an artistic format which can universally be understood to all those who have ears. Without the core, I feel, music is useless but rather a random collection of frequencies that interact with our eardrums.

What differentiate, (in my opinion) good music from bad music? The message. That is exactly why, I don't listen to pop music, because the messages it tries to portray is either: a) love, b) not being loved, c) self idolizing, d) random crap. Occasionally, there is pop music with substance, but not often.

What about music without words? That is the beauty of music. It doesn't require words. It can be understood by anyone, whether it is a sad melodious piece of music, or high energy music.

Despite, the title "music", I believe this applies to all forms of art.

Second of all, I've been practicing just spending several minutes a day in complete silence (or as silent as possible). I really think it is key to clear your mind of everything that distracts you in your daily life, and just to think about what life is all about in general. I'm not talking about like some "art of zen yoga relaxation new-age breathing" stuff, but rather just taking a few minutes each day just to reflect. Try it, if you aren't already. =)


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